This week on #SatSpanks, there is an excerpt from my latest release, Forbidden. This is the final chapter in Ethan and Lily’s story and the final book in the Dark Necessitites Prequel trilogy. Be sure to #oneclick this book today so you can read all the hot steamy action and find out how this exciting story comes to an end!!
“Now, as to the matter of my tail light…”
Panic gripped her belly at Ethan’s sudden change of tact, her throat drying.
“Want to tell me about that?”
Lily panted as his question lingered in the air between them. “I was terrified,” she conceded, sucking her lip between her teeth in response to the bubble of energized arousal now simmering at her core. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what else to do.”
Ethan smiled wryly. “You couldn’t just do as you were told, I suppose?” he proffered. “For once.”
She blew out a breath. “You said yourself that you overstepped the mark with the trunk, sir.”
“Maybe.” His gaze flitted to meet Lily’s for a moment. “Or maybe I just need to bind your ankles together and make sure you’re secured the next time, eh?”
There was a dark twinkle in his eyes as he glanced back to the road that sent a dark, delicious tingle of apprehension running down Lily’s spine.
There was that desperate, breathy tone again, the one he could conjure with just a few dark words and a glower.
His lips curled. “I know you hated it.” His voice was quiet now, but somehow, the sound still caused Lily’s nipples to harden. “But admit it; a part of you loved it, too, didn’t it? The peril, the powerlessness—it drives you fucking crazy.”
Lily gulped. “I didn’t love it,” she insisted. “That’s why I broke the light, sir. I was desperate.”
Ethan laughed, that ominous timbre Lily recognized all too well. “You always say you’re desperate,” he reminded her. “That you’re at your limit, that you can’t take anymore, when what you mean is you just need someone to push you over it. Make you take more, Make you love it.”
Her heart thundered at his words. Was he right? Was that would she needed?
“Me,” he clarified. “You need me, little one.”
“But I can’t live that like,” she replied, though Lily’s voice was so weak that even she was unconvinced by the response. “Always on the edge. Always afraid. Always—”
“Aroused?” Ethan interjected, his eyebrow arching in that way that always sent her thoughts scattering.
“Right, sir,” she murmured, her gaze lowering. “I can’t function like that.”
“Says who?”
Ethan’s voice was still quiet, but there was an edge to his tone now, and it wasn’t lost on his wife.
“Sir?” Lily lifted her chin to look at him again. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, who says you can’t function like that?” Ethan repeated. “Who made the rules about how you should live—how weshould live?”
Lily tucked her hair behind her ear, her gaze shifting to the road ahead.
He had her there, because she didn’t really have an answer. Who did make those rules? Where had Lily’s expectations about what their marriage should mean derived from? Her own parents, perhaps, but then that couldn’t be right, could it? Lily had spent years pushing against their rules and vowing she’d never become her mother, spending her evenings ironing and knitting to the sounds of her father’s crackling radio.
“So, who then?” he pressed. “If not your parents, then who?”
She swallowed. “I don’t know, sir, and that’s the truth.”
Ethan’s hand reached for her, brushing over her fingers lightly. “And that’s the point,” he said evenly. “There are no rules, Lily. We can live however we like.”
Lily gazed down at the large palm so easily encasing her digits. “So long as we don’t break any laws?”
He snorted at that, the sound making Lily smile.
“So long as we don’t get caught,” he corrected her, throwing Lily a wink as he pulled into a service station.
“Right,” she mumbled. “My mistake, sir.”
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Ethan is the devil personified, pushing Lily beyond what she feels she can bear and tempting her to enjoy it. Unfortunately, she has a point. People who live constantly on the edge of arousal and fear burn out all too quickly, but perhaps Ethan wants Lily to burn out. Perhaps he considers that to be the ultimate achievement. To go out screaming.