Our stop on the Never-ending Blog Tour this week is Pursuing Her Pirate by Jaye Peaches!!

Here is a steamy excerpt from the book:
“I am not the scourge of the Seven Seas, my dear. I mean to keep you safe, but my, my, you do put up a fight that is worthy of any scallywag on my ship.” He slid his hand along her spine, ruffling the shirt up to her shoulders and exposing the bindings of the makeshift bodice. There he paused, as if to contemplate what to do next.
Esme sniffed. The weight of his hand lifted, and for a moment, she wondered if he planned to continue. The tension was palpable. She could tolerate no more lashes of his belt. She only wished for him to comfort her or hold her in some way that meant he cared. When had any man truly cared for her? She turned her head and looked over her shoulder.
Flynn was a feast of masculinity. He’d removed his long coat with its fashionable brass buttons and unwound the purple sash that was wrapped around his neat waist. The sleeves of his shirt were finished with embroidered cuffs, and the flamboyant ruffle collar was unbuttoned and open. The silk cravat, so gracefully knotted earlier in the day, was nearly undone. His brow glistened; his eyes—such dazzlingly displays of richness—sparkled. He was breathing as heavily as her, and his lips were parted a fraction. Now he was as she wished him to be—focused on her, and only her.
There was something undeniable happening to her tormented body, and the flurry of senses that came with the pain and humiliation was not the root of what afflicted her. Confused by the plethora of both physical and emotional responses, she started to weep.
Flynn drew her to her feet and turned her around. She flopped into his muscular arms. Eventually she stopped crying, and he eased her up and away from him.
“You can stay on board,” he said abruptly, as if he was thinking something through. “But only as a hostage to my needs. In return, you can watch me, learn from my pirating ways. If that is what you want.”
“I do,” she said clearly. “I want to be a pirate, a buccaneer even, for I am sure there is gold on those Spanish ships that the British attack. Teach me how to navigate these waters, how to sword fight and fire a pistol. Let me prove to you I can be just like those men out there.”
“But not in here.” He brushed a loose lock of hair off her hot forehead.
She swallowed hard, understanding the significance of his request. It reached into her core, the lowest point of her belly, and ignited a fire. Rob Sanders would have to wait. For now, Flynn Bartoc was her master. One day, she’d resolve the dilemma. It wasn’t as if she wanted to love two men, only one, but which was the man she was really falling in love with—Rob or Flynn?