Our stop on the Never-ending Blog Tour this week is On the River by PK Corey!!

Here is a steamy excerpt from the book:
“Do you remember how your ass felt after our long ride on our honeymoon?” Cal whispered.
“I was sore,” Jenny answered quietly.
“Let’s recreate the feeling,” he demanded. “Up on your hands and knees.”
Jenny quickly scrambled into position.
“As I remember, you were all ready to make love before our ride, weren’t you?” Cal asked. Jenny nodded, unable to get any words out as Cal reached to finger her nipples. Jenny had a hard time remaining in position as each pull on her nipple sent a throbbing straight to her clit. His other hand soon began caressing her there and she tried to send a mental message for him to rub harder.
“Don’t even think of coming yet. Remember, I’m in charge. You’d better hold back.”
Jenny gave a gasp. His words and the sound of his voice was nearly enough to send her over the edge. Then his hands were gone, and she felt a sharp slap to her rump. Another followed. Then another.
“I want to recreate the whole night. And your sore butt was a big part of it,” he said over the sound of the spanking. “Now hold position and I won’t have to bring out the paddle.”
He was spanking hard and still, Jenny pushed back after each spank wanting more and more. As the slaps came faster and faster, Jenny was burning both with desire and the fire-like feeling of the spanking. The burns were entwining themselves and Jenny was soon going to be unable to hold back.
As Cal’s hand finally slowed, he asked, “Do you remember what we saw? Do you remember what we did?”
Jenny’s head hung down with her effort to keep control. “The horses…” was all she was able to say.
Cal took over. “That huge stallion mounted his mare. The power he showed and the screams we heard from them both were more than we could take. It was all we could do to get back to our private strip of beach before we could reenact what we’d seen.”
Jenny was back on the beach. She could almost feel the sand in her hands, as Cal rose up behind her and took her with the power they had seen the stallion display. Her reality sank down to the two of them in the moment. Cal, deep within her, plunging over and over. The sear of pain every time his body slapped against her burning ass heightened the exquisite sensation of him inside her.
They came at the same moment, something Jenny loved. Both sank down on the bed, basking in their pleasure. They both were lying on their stomachs, as Cal’s hand reached back to gently rub the area he’d recently turned bright red.
Thanks for having me here today!